The concept of the festival has been proved and developed for many years. Many participants are helping voluntary to organize the festival week. Countless partners enable the realization of such a beautiful encounter. Therefore we are very grateful. On the following pages you can find out more about the International Children’s Choir Festival Dresden.
As part of the International Children’s Choir Festival Dresden, from April 27th to May 4th around 300 students from our city will be hosting 5 international children’s choirs and will also be guests and co-creators of various events and several concerts. Dresden shows its cosmopolitanism; it gets to know children and youths from other cultures and extends a warm welcome to them.
Read here how an idea arose a piece of tradition.
We thank our patrons of the festival who support us with their personality.
The Philharmonic Children’s Choir Dresden is the musical host of the International Children’s Choir Festival.
Partner schools
Various Dresden schools are helping us with the organization during the festival time.
Support us to build bridges
The International Children’s Chor Festival Dresden is funded voluntary and by funds and donations only. Therefore we are reliant on your support and thankful for each donation as a partner.